Wednesday, 18 April 2012

"Dangerous Dog" Pic of the Day


Today's "DD"POTD is... 

This was taken just a few days after we adopted Buddy. It didn't take too long for them to become best friends! We took them for a long walk that day and this was the result. Having said that, Peanut is pretty lazy anyway and there are many days where she does absolutely nothing but sleep!

Buddy wasn't used to long walks when we first got him. The pads on his paws were pink and soft. As he wasn't used to walking on hard ground, he would limp for a little while. He has got used to it now and is now happy to go for long walks!

Update on the incident with The Crazies (the Horrible couple mentioned in previous posts): I have emailed the PC who was investigating the puppy incident about what had happened.  He called me and said he's off to visit the puppy's owner to pass them some paperwork and will mention what had happened to them and that his friends should keep their opinion to themselves. Hopefully that will be the last I see of The Crazies...

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